Boebert Watch is a weekly news clips service focused solely on Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado delivered to subscribers to the PNC Daily News Digest. To subscribe to the Daily News Digest, click here. To subscribe to Boebert Watch clips only, click here.

Rep. Lauren Boebert opens the door to earmarks after calling them ‘wasteful’ in previous years 
At least one Colorado Republican is changing her tune when it comes to seeking community project funding, otherwise known as earmarks, as the budget process begins in Washington, D.C. GOP Rep. Lauren Boebert shunned the process in the previous two budget cycles, but said this time around, she will collect submissions for earmark requests. Republican Rep. Ken Buck remains opposed to the use of earmarks, according to his office. GOP Rep. Doug Lamborn’s office did not reply to questions about his stance on seeking federal dollars for community projects.
Kevin McCarthy intends to restore order to GOP House following 2022 Midterm elections 
McCarthy could try to set a tone for governing. Especially ahead of a few topsy-turvy months concerning the debt ceiling. No one’s rattled yet. All it could take is a market shock to spark panic. The Treasury Department says the U.S. will hit the debt ceiling in early June. The Congressional Budget Office (CBO) predicts the date falls later in the summer. No one truly knows. But that’s why some wonder about courting calm. “I would feel better if I (were) the markets based on the meeting I had today (with the President),” said McCarthy after the White House session. Not all House Republicans crave political tranquility. The GOP base — and certainly those aligned with former President Trump — regularly sow chaos. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., recently tangled with Rep. Jared Huffman, D-Calif., at the first meeting of the House Natural Resources Committee over a proposal to bar lawmakers from bringing firearms into the panel’s hearing room.Boebert then charged that Huffman was “wasting time on political stunts.”
Big tech was a major target at CPAC, but conservatives building alternatives are facing challenges 
Big tech was in the crosshairs once again at one of the biggest annual gatherings of conservative politicians and personalities. In speeches at the Conservative Political Action Conference in National Harbor, Maryland, elected officials, including Republican Sens. Eric Schmitt of Missouri and Marsha Blackburn of Tennessee, targeted big tech and the legal immunity companies enjoy under Section 230, which is being considered by the Supreme Court. Rep. Lauren Boebert, R-Colo., said in her speech Saturday: “I have called for 230 protections to be removed from these big tech companies who are hiding behind Section 230, and they are acting like editors rather than publishers.”
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Trump backs far-right campaign to abolish the Department of Education 
More than a decade later, the idea is apparently popular again in far-right circles: A few weeks ago, Republican Rep. Thomas Massie of Kentucky introduced legislation to abolish the U.S. Department of Education altogether. Though the bill has no realistic chance of success, it’s picked up 17 Republican co-sponsors — and counting — and the list includes some familiar far-right figures, including Arizona’s Andy Biggs, Colorado’s Lauren Boebert, Georgia’s Marjorie Taylor Greene, Arizona’s Paul Gosar, and Florida’s Matt Gaetz.
Far-right US Republicans receive millions from new class of debt hardliners 
Typifying the new cohort are newcomer donors such as David Frecka, the former owner of an Ohio-based packaging company, Next Generation, and his wife, Brenda, who gave $1.5mn to House Freedom Action in the 2022 cycle.* They also gave $1.15mn to the Right Women Pac, a group that supported seven of the most conservative female House candidates in the last cycle, including Marjorie Taylor Greene and Lauren Boebert, as well as $1mn to Club for Growth.
Senate candidate Ruben Gallego isn’t running from his trauma 
Boebert made the point that there were “unhinged” people out there, and that there were plenty of examples of political violence to point to as cautionary tales: the time a deranged gunman shot up a baseball practice attended by congressional Republicans; the 1954 attack on the Capitol by Puerto Rican nationalists. As Boebert spoke, Gallego, rested his hand on his chin and raised his eyebrows. “The member from Colorado forgot to mention January 6th, which was also an assault on representatives,” Gallego said. “Yes, it was awful when Ashli Babbitt was murdered,” Boebert interrupted, referring to the woman who was shot and killed by Capitol Police while attempting to climb through a shattered window into the Speaker’s Lobby.
Jared Moskowitz, Jamie Raskin blast Lauren Boebert over COVID-19 ‘amnesia’ 
Personnel Office head to Rep. Lauren Boebert: “You’re basing that from 2020, which is in the last administration.” 
Lauren Boebert Interrupts Committee Hearing over White Supremacist Comment 
Republicans Hate “Transgenderism”—but Is That All They Hate? 
Boebert to hold mobile office hours in Otero County 
Boebert announces she’ll be a 36-year-old grandmother when her 17-year-old son’s partner gives birth 
Boebert revealed this family news at a women’s breakfast during the Conservative Political Action Conference in Maryland that ended last weekend, where she received a “mothers of influence” award.  Boebert addressed women and men at the breakfast after accepting the award. “I’m going to tell you all for the first time in a public setting that, not only am I a mother of four boys, but, come April, I will be a ‘Gigi’ to a brand new grandson,” she said. Boebert’s son Tyler, when she talked with him about becoming a grandmother, pointed out that Boebert made her own mother a grandmother at 36 and he suggested it was “hereditary,” Boebert told those at the breakfast.
RELATED: Rep. Lauren Boebert, 36, announces her first grandchild will be born in April 
RELATED: Rep. Lauren Boebert, 36, reveals she will be a grandmother 
RELATED: Colorado Rep. Lauren Boebert, 36, is about to be a grandma 
RELATED: Boebert announces she will be a grandmother at 36 next month, touts choosing ‘life’ over ‘fear’ 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert rails against sex-ed then announces her teen son is having a baby 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert trashes sex-ed — then announces teen son is making her a “36-year-old grandmother”–then-announces-teen-son-is-making-her-a-36-year-old-grandmother/