Boebert Watch is a weekly news clips service focused solely on Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado delivered to subscribers to the PNC Daily News Digest. To subscribe to the Daily News Digest, click here. To subscribe to Boebert Watch clips only, click here.

Sen. John Hickenlooper: Which of these projects is corrupt, Rep. Boebert? 
Is funding for a rural clinic in Palisade corrupt? How about an affordable housing project in Rifle? Or a wastewater emergency generator in Craig? Which of these is evidence that Congress is trying to “buy votes and waste taxpayer money?” Rep. Lauren Boebert recently announced in this paper that she had reconsidered and now supports Congressionally Directed Spending, or earmarks as they’re sometimes known. She defended this change of heart by saying that she helped “fix” the process by stripping out “corrupt, vote-buying behavior” that supposedly marred the program over the past two years. (That didn’t stop her from taking credit for these projects once they were passed into law without her support.)
Boebert offers bill to repeal bipartisan gun control measures 
Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-Colo.) has introduced a bill to repeal bipartisan gun control measures passed by the last Congress. Boebert’s proposed bill, the Shall Not Be Infringed Act, would “repeal the gun control provisions and every Second Amendment infringement” that was passed and by the 117th Congress and signed into law by President Biden. That includes the Bipartisan Safer Communities Act, the 2023 Omnibus Appropriations bill, the Violence Against Women Reauthorization Act of 2023, and the 2023 National Defense Authorization Act, according to the bill.
Boebert Promotes “Globalist” Conspiracy at Rally Opposing World Health Organization 
Congresswoman Boebert joined many of her Freedom Caucus colleagues in a full-blown “globalist” conspiracy press conference yesterday. In addition to a dozen or so members of Congress, the “Exit the WHO [World Health Organization]” event at the Capitol featured organizer Frank Gaffney, a notorious Islamophobe whose Center for Security Policy is an anti-Muslim hate group. Gaffney and the lawmakers, including Boebert, made numerous unsubstantiated claims, from the World Health Organization being controlled by China, to blaming it for the COVID pandemic, to claiming it is the vehicle for a plot to force all nations under a single worldwide government.
Boebert Promotes Seth Rich Conspiracy Via News Site Owned By Alex Jones, Who Claimed Sandy Hook Massacre Never Happened 
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert (R-CO) continued her pattern of retweeting discredited news outlets, retweeting a link this morning from National File, a site founded by Alex Jones to circumvent Facebook’s 2019 ban of Infowars, which is Jones’ better-known propaganda site. In 2012, Jones falsely claimed the 2012 Sandy Hook massacre was a government ploy to take guns from Americans and never actually happened. Courts awarded families of children who died in the school shooting a total of about $1.4 billion. Jones has hid his assets and declared bankruptcy in an effort to avoid paying the families.
‘Go woke, go broke’: Lauren Boebert joins Ron DeSantis in punishing Disney for opposing ‘Don’t Say Gay’ bill 
There are some kids who grow up supporting the Injustice League over Batman, Wonder Woman and co., and it turns out these people often end up as Republican politicians. So, it’s no surprise that Lauren Boebert, congresswoman and wife of a noted sex offender, has joined the Florida governor, Ron DeSantis, in his crusade to erase the existence of LGBTQ+ people, all while also pissing off one of the biggest and most beloved corporations in his state. In a recent statement (via Newsweek), Boebert has taken a direct aim at Disney by supporting a bill that would scrap the two no-fly zones that the company has over their amusement parks as “woke corporations shouldn’t get any favors from the government.”
Boebert Shows She Doesn’t Know How Days Of The Week Work With Mind-Numbing Tweet 
Colorado Republican Representative Lauren Boebert has once again found herself at the center of a debate, this time concerning a tweet she wrote that betrayed her understanding of mathematics and data analytics. The tweet in question focused on Title 42, a pandemic-related public health measure implemented during the Trump era to restrict the entry of migrants at the Mexican border. As the measure expired on May 11, concerns arose regarding a potential surge in attempted border crossings into the United States.
Rootin’ Tootin’ Lauren Boebert Attempted To Shame John Fetterman’s ‘Unbecoming’ Congressional Hoodie And Received Some Swift Comeuppance 
Lauren Boebert whines Trump’s postmaster ignored her: ‘I reached out to you and was denied a meeting’ 
DC mayor spars with Boebert, GOP lawmakers over crime 
Even now, Republicans keep forgetting who was president in 2020 
Lauren Boebert rages against trans people in Mother’s Day message 
Boebert accused of breaking campaign finance laws 
GOP Rep Clay Higgins filmed shoving activist who questioned Lauren Boebert’s divorce 
Republican Congressman Clay Higgins yanked and shoved an activist who he claimed was mentally disturbed during a press conference outside the US Capitol. Jake Burdett, an activist with leftist political views, was filming and asking questions of the GOP lawmakers present when a man in a suit approached him. The moment, which is captured in Mr Burdett’s footage, shows the man in the suit — Mr Higgins — walking up, introducing himself, and telling the activist to back off and that he will answer his questions after the conference. “All I’m asking you to do is just peacefully stand by with your camera and I promise you—look at me—I’ll come talk to you straight up and answer all your questions. Fair enough?” Mr Higgins asks.
RELATED: Louisiana Congressman Clay Higgins has physical altercation with protestor at U.S. Capitol 
RELATED: Rep. Clay Higgins posts video response of confrontation with activist 
Lauren Boebert files for divorce from husband 
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert is divorcing her husband, Jayson Boebert, who has shared a portion of the congresswoman’s spotlight and controversy during her time in politics. Boebert, of Silt, announced the impending divorce Tuesday “with a heavy weight on my heart.” “I am grateful for our years of marriage together and for our beautiful children,” Boebert said in a statement, asking for privacy. “I’ve always been faithful in my marriage, and I believe strongly in marriage, which makes this announcement that much more difficult.”
RELATED: Rep. Lauren Boebert files for divorce from husband Jayson 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert files for divorce from her husband 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert files for divorce 
RELATED: Rep. Lauren Boebert files for divorce from husband 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert files for divorce from husband 
RELATED: Boebert files for divorce 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert disputes reports describing how her husband reacted when served with divorce papers 
RELATED: Boebert disputes allegation husband was “extremely angry” at process server trying to serve divorce papers 
RELATED: Boebert Insists Heartbroken Hubby Didn’t Throw a Fit—or Drink Beer From a Glass 
RELATED: Lauren Boebert’s divorce exposes the dark little secret of red state life