Boebert Watch is a weekly news clips service focused solely on Rep. Lauren Boebert of Colorado delivered to subscribers to the PNC Daily News Digest. To subscribe to the Daily News Digest, click here. To subscribe to Boebert Watch clips only, click here.
Lauren Boebert misses vote on debt ceiling deal, which she vocally opposed
U.S. Rep. Lauren Boebert has been an ardent opponent of raising the country’s debt ceiling to avoid default, but she did not cast her vote on the issue Wednesday. The House passed legislation to raise the government’s debt ceiling on Wednesday just days before a critical deadline that would damage the country’s credit rating and, economists warn, spark a recession. The vote came after days of tense negotiations between House Republicans and President Joe Biden’s administration. The Senate must still pass the measure. The bill passed 314-117 in the House with bipartisan support, well over the simple majority needed, so Boebert’s vote wouldn’t have been the deciding factor in the matter. But the far-right congresswoman, whose sprawling district covers Colorado’s Western Slope, repeatedly spoke out against the move.
RELATED: Senate passes debt deal a day after House. Colorado’s Michael Bennet and John Hickenlooper vote yes
RELATED: Colorado Democrats cast reluctant votes to raise debt limit as state Republicans splinter | TRAIL MIX
RELATED: Colorado Congresswoman Lauren Boebert misses debt ceiling vote
RELATED: U.S. House approves debt limit package, sending it to Senate with just days until default deadline
RELATED: Colorado Republicans Lauren Boebert, Ken Buck oppose debt ceiling bill
RELATED: How Colorado’s U.S. House delegation voted on the federal debt ceiling bill
RELATED: The debt ceiling deal has passed the US House. Here’s how Colorado’s delegation voted
RELATED: Colorado’s House members — save Boebert and Buck — back debt ceiling bill
RELATED: CO Republican Party ‘Couldn’t Be More Proud’ of Boebert & Buck for Opposing Debt Compromise; Calls on Lamborn to Join Them
RELATED: Rep. Buck: ‘I refuse to be complicit in this bipartisan bankruptcy’
RELATED: Lauren Boebert Refuses to Explain Her Absence From Debt Ceiling Vote
RELATED: Lauren Boebert didn’t turn up to vote on debt ceiling deal she furiously campaigned against
RELATED: Lauren Boebert says ‘Democrats are smiling’ about debt ceiling deal
RELATED: House GOP blasts CBO projection that Biden-McCarthy debt limit deal would actually expand SNAP
Colorado’s congressional delegation seeks $1.7 billion for special projects in the state
Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert of Garfield County joined the five Democrats in Colorado’s House delegation in requesting earmarks. She was opposed to the earmark process last year, but supports it now after the GOP majority in the House instituted new rules about what the money can be requested for. “As a result of our historic changes, I am now able to fight for important infrastructure projects for the 3rd District of Colorado,” she wrote in an opinion piece. In a competing opinion piece, Hickenlooper pushed back on her claim that earmarks were somehow previously corrupt, citing numerous projects he sponsored in the 3rd Congressional District over the past two years.
Lauren Boebert says President Biden’s plan to fight antisemitism is a plot ‘to go after conservatives’
The Biden administration announced the National Strategy to Counter Antisemitism to protect Jewish communities across the US this week. Biden released a video about the new strategy, saying hate has been “given too much oxygen” in recent years and has fuelled a “record rise in antisemitism.” But Republican Rep. Lauren Boebert denounced the plan in a tweet to her 2.5 million followers: “When they say stuff like this, they mean they want to go after conservatives.”
RELATED: Boebert dismisses antisemitism push as effort to target conservatives
Lauren Boebert calls for North Face boycott over ‘Summer of Pride’ ad with drag queen Pattie Gonia
Republican Congresswoman Lauren Boebert demanded shoppers “boycott ANY product North Face has ever made” over the popular outdoor clothing maker’s “Summer of Pride” ad starring drag queen Pattie Gonia, In a tweet posted Thursday, the Colorado lawmaker said: “How many times do we have to explain to the woke marketing departments at these disgusting companies that America is not a nation of degenerates?” Boebert’s outrage over The North Face’s campaign mimics the conservative backlash unleashed against Bud Light and Target over their LGBTQ campaigns.
RELATED: LEGO becomes latest company facing boycotts over its ‘transgender building sets’
Lauren Boebert slams John Fetterman’s ‘unbecoming’ fashion choice for Senate press conference
Rep. Lauren Boebert Reveals How She Really Feels When ‘Positive’ Voters Call Her Office
Lauren Boebert denies having an affair with a country singer: ‘How can I be with a man with better hair than me?’
In 911 call, Lauren Boebert’s son accuses father of “throwing” him around the house
RELATED: Rep. Lauren Boebert’s son called police on father in months before divorce filing